Cookies and other similar technologies, such as local shared objects, flash cookies or pixels, are tools used by web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors, as well as to offer the correct operation of the site.

Through the use of these devices, the web server is allowed to remember some data relating to the user, such as their preferences for viewing the pages of this server, name and password, products that interest them the most, etc.


According to the EU directive, the cookies that require the informed consent of the user are analytics cookies and advertising and affiliation cookies, with the exception of those of a technical nature and those necessary for the operation of the web page or the provision of services expressly requested by the user.



Technical and functional cookies
: are those that allow the user to navigate through a web page, platform or application and use the different options or services that are available in it, such as controlling traffic and data communication, identifying the session, access restricted access parts, remember the elements of an order, carry out the purchase process of an order, register or participate in an event, use security elements during navigation, store content for the dissemination of videos or sound or share content through social networks. They include personalization cookies, which allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics based on a series of criteria on the user’s terminal such as language, browser type, the locale from which the service is accessed, etc.
Analytical cookies: they are those that allow the person in charge of these to monitor and analyze the behavior of the users of the websites to which they are linked. The information collected through this type of cookies is used to measure the activity of the websites, application or platform and to create browsing profiles of the users of these sites, applications and platforms, with the aim of ‘introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by the users of the service.
Advertising cookies: are those that allow the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, in their case, the publisher has included in a web page, application or platform from which the requested service is provided based on criteria such as edited content or how often ads are shown.
Behavioral advertising cookies: they collect information about the user’s preferences and personal choices (retargeting) to allow the management, in the most effective way possible, of the advertising spaces that, in their case, the publisher has included in a website, application or platform from which the requested service is provided. More info: i Guía sobre el uso de las cookies de la AEPD.
Social cookies: are set by social media platforms on the services to allow you to share content with your friends and networks. Social media platforms have the ability to track your online activity outside of the Services. This may affect the content and messages you see on other services you visit.
Affiliate cookies: they allow you to track visits from other websites, with which the website establishes an affiliate contract (affiliate companies).
Security cookies: they store encrypted information to prevent the data stored in them from being vulnerable to malicious attacks by third parties. They are used only in HTTPS connections.


Own cookies: are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
Third-party cookies: are those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies.


Session cookies: they are a type of cookie designed to request and store data while the user accesses a web page.
Persistent cookies: they are a type of cookie in which the data is still stored on the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie, which can range from a few minutes to several years.


Espai S’Agaró Imma Cruanyes Lozano is the person responsible for the processing of the personal data of the interested party and informs him that this data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 ( GDPR) and, therefore, the following treatment information is provided to you:

Purpose of treatment: as specified in the section on cookies used on this website.

Legitimation of the treatment: for the legitimate interest of the person in charge: technical cookies and for the consent of the interested party: analytical behavioral and advertising cookies.

Data conservation criteria: as specified in the section on cookies used on the website.

Communication of the data: the data will not be communicated to third parties, except in cookies owned by third parties or due to legal obligation.

Rights that assist the interested party:

– Right to withdraw consent at any time.
– Right of access, rectification, portability and deletion of your data and the limitation or opposition to its treatment.
– The right to file a complaint with the Control Authority ( if you consider that the treatment does not comply with current regulations.

Contact details to exercise your rights:


Technical and functional cookies:


PHPSESSID Own Technique Contains the session identifier When closing the Sesión browser
_lang Own Technique Contains the language of the session When closing the Session browser
ac_cookies Own Technique Contains the value of whether the installation of cookies has been accepted 1 year Persistent
contador Own Technique Used to count the number of accesses to the page per session 1 year Persistent
viewed_cookie_policy Own Technique Used to remember your preferences regarding the Cookies Policy established 1 year Persistent
_icl_current_language Own Technique It is used to remember the language that the user has selected and to show him the contents in that same language throughout his navigation 1 hour Session

Analytical cookies:


_ga Analítica Google Analytics Enable the unique visit control feature. The first time a user enters the website through a browser, this cookie will be installed. When this user re-enters the web with the same browser, the cookie will consider that it is the same user. Only in the event that the user changes browser, another user will be considered 2 years Persistent
_gat Analítica Google Analytics It is used to limit the speed of the request – the limitation of the collection of data in high traffic sites 10 minutes Session
_gid Analítica Google Analytics It is used to distinguish users 24 hours Session
_utma Analítica Google Analytics Records the date of the first and last time the user accessed the website 2 years Persistent
_utmb Analítica Google Analytics Record your arrival time on the page
web 30 minutes Session
_utmc Analítica Google It is used for interoperability with tracking code
urchin.js 1 year Session
_utmt Analítica Google Analytics Process the type of request requested by the user At the end of the session Session
_utmv Analítica Google Analytics Segment demographic data At the end of the session Session
_utmz Analítica Google Analytics Stores the traffic source or a campaign to explain how the user arrived at the website 6 months Persistent
To disable analysis cookies you can use the following exclusion directions: Google Privacy Policy and Google Analytics Exclusion

Behavioral advertising cookies:

_gads Publicitària Google Cookie associated with Google’s service so that the owner can earn credit for 1 year Persistent
_sonar Publicitària Used to improve advertising and target advertising based on content that is relevant to a user, improve campaign performance reporting and avoid showing ads that the user has already seen 1 year Persistent
_ncuid Google Advertising Used to measure the performance of ads and provide product recommendations based on statistical data 6 months Persistent Advertising IDE Used for targeting, optimization, reporting and online ad attribution. 1 year Persistent
vc Publicitària AddThis They are used to enable the content to be shared.
AddThisit is also used to collect information about how website content is shared
2 years, except:

_conv_v: 1 year,
bt2: 8 months,
dt: 30 days,

You will also be able to control ads and tracking technologies with the app

Social cookies:


c_user, fr Publicitària Facebook Necessary for the Facebook social plugin. Allows you to measure ad performance and provide recommendations 30 days Persistent
datr, sb Facebook technique Necessary for the Facebook social add-on 2 years Persistent
Dpr Facebook technique Necessary for the Facebook social plugin 30 minutes Persistent
Xs Facebook technique Necessary for the Facebook social add-on 90 days Persistent
Wd Facebook technique Necessary for the Facebook social plugin 48 hours Persistent
XSRF-TOKEN Facebook technique Necessary to control that all form submissions are made by the user currently in session, avoiding attacks
CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) 1 hour Persistent
_fbp Publicitària Facebook Necessary to provide a series of advertising products such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers 3 months Persistent
guest_id Twitter Advertising Twitter ID 2 years Persistent
More info:

Affiliate cookies:


prli_click Afiliats Pretty Links Necessary to save statistical information on clicks made on affiliate links 30 days Persistent
prli_visitor Afiliats Pretty Links Necessary to save statistical information on clicks made on affiliate links 1 year Persistent
Other third-party cookies
(Google, Youtube, Cloudflare, Bizible):


1P_JAR Google Advertising Transfers data to Google to make advertising more attractive Expires in 1 week from activation Persistent
ANID Google Advertising Contains a unique randomly generated value that allows the Platform to distinguish browsers and devices. This information is used to measure ad performance and provide product recommendations based on statistical data 1 year Persistent
APISID Google technique Stores user preferences and information during the display of pages with Google maps in them 2 years Persistent
CONSENTGoogle Advertising Contains a unique randomly generated value that allows the Platform to distinguish browsers and devices. This information is used to measure ad performance and provide product recommendations based on statistical data 1 year Persistent
HSID Google technique When you create or log in to a Google account, this cookie is stored for 2 years Persistent
SID Google advertising Collect information for the Google search engine included in the web
(Google CSE) 2 years Persistent
NID Publicitària Google The “Google +1” button used on our website is hosted by Google, your browser sends information about the cookies that Google requires if you keep the session active with your account, this data is used by Google for the purpose of ‘associate them to your account 6 months Persistent
SAPISID Youtube technique Used to play content 1 year Persistent
SIDCC Google Advertising It is used to provide services and extract anonymous information about navigation. 3 months Persistent
SSID Google Advertising Collect information for the Google search engine included in the
web (Google CSE) 3 months Persistent
Google Behavioral PREF Stores configuration preferences, such as preferred language, number of search results displayed per page, or filter activation
Google SafeSearch 10 years Persistent
DV Technical Google It is used to provide services and extract anonymous information about navigation 10 minutes Session
UULE Google Maps technique Allows geolocation of the device 24 hours Persistent
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Behavioral Youtube Tracks visited videos that are embedded on the web 240 days Persistent
use_hitbox Youtube technique Increases the ‘views’ counter on the video of
YouTube. At the end of the session Session
SID, SSID, HSID, APISID, LOGIN_INFO, PREF, SAPISID, SIDCC Techniques Youtube Technical cookies used by
1 year, except:

PREF: 7 months
SIDCC: 3 months

YSC Technical Youtube Measures the playbacks of videos made by the user and registers the events of “Like” or “Share video” At the end of the session Session
_cfduid Cloudflare technique Used to override security restrictions based on the IP address of the visiting visitor 1 year Persistent
_biz_flags The Bizible technique tracks the user’s status. For example, if the user submitted a form, performed a cross-domain migration or not 1 year Persistent
biznA Bizible Technique Sequence number that is incremented and added to each request to the Bizible server for diagnostic purposes 1 year Persistent
_biz_pendingA Temporary Bizible Cookie technique that contains all pending requests to be sent to the server
Bizible 1 year Persistent
_biz_sid Unique Bizible ID technique that identifies each user’s session 30 minutes Session
_biz_uid Bizible technique Unique ID that identifies each user 1 year Persistent
_BUID Bizible technique Universal user ID that identifies the same user across several client domains 1 year Persistent
More info:
More info:




1. Select the Tools icon
2. Click Settings.
3. Click Show Advanced Options.
4. In the “Privacy” section, click on Content settings.
• Delete cookies: Click on All cookies and site data…
• Do not allow cookies to be stored.
5. Click Delete Browsing Data (Empty Trash).
6. Close and restart the browser.

For more information about Chrome press:

Internet Explorer. Version 11

1. Select Tools | Internet options.
2. Click on the General tab.
3. In the “Browsing History” section, click Delete Browsing History on Exit.
4. Select Delete files.
5. Select Delete cookies.
6. Click Remove.
7. Click Accept.
8. Close and restart the browser.

For more information about Internet Explorer click here:

Firefox. Version 65.0.1

1. Select Firefox | History | Clear recent history.
2. Next to “Details”, click the down arrow.
3. Select the following check boxes: Cookies, Cashier, Active logins
4. Using the “Clear Time Interval” drop-down menu, select All.
5. Click Erase Now.
6. Close and restart the browser.

You can accept or reject cookies individually in Firefox Preferences, in the History section available in Tools > Options > Privacity.

For more information on *Mozilla Firefox click here:

Safari Version 5.1

1. Select the Safari icon / Edit | Restore Safari.
2. Select the following check boxes: Clear history, Delete all website data
3. Click Reset.
4. Close and restart the browser.

For more information about Safari click here:


Options – Advanced – Cookies.
The cookie options control the way in which Opera handles them and therefore their acceptance or rejection.

For more information about Opera click here:

Other browsers

Consult the documentation of the browser you have installed.